UncivilQueen – A Competitive Gamer Using Social Media & Analytics for Growth

UncivilQueen is an ultra-competitive gamer, but her talent expands wider than just gaming. She's a talented streamer. Whether it's looking at analytics or creating new content on different forms of social media, she knows how to grow her audience and retain viewers.
Let's get into the full interview.
Tell us about your history with gaming
I have been playing video games for as long as I can remember. One of my first memories of video games was with the Plug ‘N play controllers. I was around 3 years old. I used to play with my older brother often and we always competed for the highest score or played co-op type games trying to beat the next level. I was also introduced to PC games early on due to my father.
However, the type of video game that got me hooked was FPS games. I grew up playing the Call of Duty series. What really made it so special was the three different aspects of the game: zombies, campaign, and multiplayer. The game never got boring because there were multiple modes. I loved the multiplayer experience part of the game. I always played with my older brother and it never got boring because we were always competitive. I don’t play with him anymore, but sometimes I play with my younger brother now.
A lot of people have a very interesting story of how their gaming name originated from. I do not. When I finally got my own console, I kept my pre-generated gamertag when I created my account for 2 years. Over the years I got very frustrated that people never believed I was a girl because of how good I was and I wanted it to have something where it can't be mistaken. So I decided to have Queen in my name. Uncivil is a rebellious word so I put 2 and 2 together.
What really sparked my passion for gaming was the storytelling, the competitive aspect, and the endless hours that can be spent in a story. In any game I played, I always wanted to be the best. It was also an escape, which kept me hooked on games.
What’s your backstory and how did you get into streaming?
Growing up, I knew I wanted to pursue something in gaming. I grew up watching a lot of Youtube, and witnessed many people living their dreams playing video games as a career. I knew deep down that’s what I wanted to do as well. I’ve always wanted to start young but I didn’t have any basic equipment to do anything. So I waited until I was old enough to get a part-time job and buy my own equipment. Finally, I bought all my equipment and found time to start pursuing my dreams in April 2020.
The first time I ever streamed was back in highschool. I managed to find time to stream for 2 weeks consistently off of my Xbox. I managed to get Twitch Affiliate in that time but I had to stop streaming because of school. Never gave streaming much thought again. My thoughts were around YouTube. I eventually met someone online at the beginning of 2020 who really pushed the idea of streaming for me. That’s where it all began.
I have a lot of people asking me tips for streaming and growing. One thing I truly live by is a good first impression and standing out. When you’re streaming, your goal is to grow your viewer consistency. You need to offer something different to keep the viewers engaged and coming back. It works, because in less than a year, I am where I am at.
Tell us about your channel and community
I have always been super strict with my community. Positive vibes or get banned. It all starts with the mods who have to be there to enforce it and also be a good influence and a leader to follow. I have created achievable guidelines where viewers can earn the moderator role in chat and learn life skills. All mods welcome every single new viewer and keep a positive vibe in chat.
I mostly stream Fortnite on a day-to-day basis. Fortnite has a huge audience where all kinds of ages enjoy. It is also one of my favorite games. I don’t typically play other games anymore because my sole focus is my brand and streaming right now. If I take streaming out of the equation, I’d still play Fortnite but I would definitely make a return to Call of Duty, and other single player games.
Sundays are designated days for viewers. Each Sunday I host Fortnite customs, where up to 100 players can join the private game. My viewers tend to enjoy them and always anticipate the chance of them being on my team. I really do enjoy interacting with them in a whole other way.
Tell us about your brand and how you’ve been able to obtain success
I have always been a “crackhead.” Someone with so much energy and unstoppable laughter. I created a brand around my true self. I started off by making a marketing plan on how I were to grow my social media and how I would present myself. Started by identifying what separates me from others with a marketing plan and followed through with it.
I was able to grow my channel by expanding and by branding myself on many different platforms. I made sure my brand was unified and used other platforms such as TikTok to funnel traffic into my Twitch channel. Going on TikTok live and talking about your stream helps funnel traffic at the start of each stream. The difference is night and day when you use TikTok live. Also consistency is a great factor. No one wants to invest in you knowing your won't be coming back. Show them you’ll be there consistently.
One of my biggest challenges is keeping my energy high for a long period of time. Like anything it eventually dies down and I get tired. However, I managed to make a schedule that works with my energy. Another challenge is to consistently stream. Everyone wakes up some days not wanting to do anything or having a rough day at work. It was hard to stream regardless of what was going on in your personal life.
It took me about 2 weeks to achieve affiliate with consistent streaming. It took me about 6 months of streaming for me to apply for Partner. Sadly denied the first time. However, I was invited to the Partner Program my 7th month of streaming. My goal is to definitely become a full-time streamer, I don’t make enough money yet to just sustain myself with Twitch.
How do you balance streaming and life?
My typical day starts off with me waking up at 7am going through everything. Then I begin my warmup and practice in Fortnite in order to maintain a high skill gap. I later take a break, get some food, tea or coffee then return to my desk. I take care of anything that needs to be taken care of such as finishing a TikTok if needed. Then I post my TikTok at 1PM both on TikTok and Instagram, and carry on with my practice. Around 2:30pm to 3pm I take a shower and get ready for my TikTok live-stream at 3:30pm. Then start my Twitch stream at 4pm.
After the stream, I take a look at numbers, analytics, and analyze what worked, what didn’t and what can also be improved. I also take down my numbers of all my social medias and put them in an excel spreadsheet to keep track of variances and growth. Then I proceed to make a TikTok for the next day. My day off is a Saturday afternoon where I go out, and hang out with some friends, mainly my best friend.
I don’t really get anxious when seeing people face to face. I sometimes enjoy it, sometimes I’d prefer not to talk to anyone.
When I explained to my mom what I was going to do with streaming, she was very supportive. She wanted me to succeed in what I love. My siblings found it cool that I'm pursuing a lifestyle on the internet, especially my younger brother who has the same interests as me. I definitely see myself maintaining this lifestyle and see myself streaming for as long as I can.
What tools do you use for your stream?
To stream, I use OBS. I don’t use donation software. I use both Nightbot and StreamElements. They are consistently used in streams for some fun commands and to answer typical questions. The bots keep viewers consistently engaging with chat. I have a discord, where viewers can join so they have access to viewer games and each other. For all my graphics and overlays, I went on Fiverr and looked for people with very nice portfolios and hired them to create graphics based on my brand. The only extension I have been using recently is the social blade. I constantly look at analytics, to help me make smarter decisions. If I am not hitting a standard I set for myself, then I am doing something wrong. Analytics helps you keep track of your progress and how well you are doing.
What are your top 3 streaming tools?
- My Excel spreadsheet to keep track of my growth
- My water bottle
- My beanie that must be worn every stream
What advice would you give to small channels trying to reach Partner?
Numbers are your best friend. You must keep an eye on your viewer count, you must look at analytics and stream summary after every stream, and you must keep finding ways on expanding on different platforms. If you are close to Partner, you must tackle the 30 day period day by day by conquering a high average. Eventually you would have conquered a whole month.
If you could change one thing about Twitch, what would it be?
If I could change one thing about twitch, I would change the way they approached DMCA. Type of music is crucial to set a tone for your stream. If they can implement a subscription method where you can pay for a license that allows you to play copyrighted music for a certain amount of money a month, it would be a game changer. It keeps everyone happy, streamers would be able to opt in if they really wanted to play the music on stream, and labels would get paid. Twitch would have an easy solution where it meets in the middle.

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